In 2013, the local union chiefs in Douglas County hired Barack Obama’s top political operative in Colorado, but still got whipped on election night by conservative school board candidates.

In 2015, the unions and liberals are back at it.  But the unions didn’t learn much from 2013.  Instead of nominating thoughtful, mainstream candidates, Douglas County unions are promoting charter-hating, union-loving bomb throwers.  While the union candidates talk a good game during the election, a simple Google search just how extreme they are.

Take for example Wendy Vogel.  She doesn’t make any bones about it.  Vogel is a proud member of the “Liberal Ladies of Douglas County.”  Whoops.

Worse is Anne Marie Lemieux.  Lemieux has been a chief architect of the union effort in Douglas County for years.

When the Douglas County School Board cut off the union contract – you know, the union contract that funneled scads of dollars to Democratic campaigns – guess who led the charge on behalf of the unions and their beloved, graft-filled contracts?  Why Anne Marie Lemieux, of course.

As 7News reported:

“The decisions they make all happen unanimously and it’s not in the best interest of the kids and the community,” Lemieux said. “The problem is they want to bust the union with no valid reason. The union has worked really well here.” (the Peak emphasis)

That’s bad.  But in a school district filled with charter school parents, Lemieux has been a vicious, outspoken critic of charter schools, charter school parents, and the effects of charter schools on the district overall.  She thinks the idea of specialized schools is a terrible option for parents:

Wants charter schools investigated:

And believes charter schools are hurting Douglas County Schools:

Oh, and for icing on the cake, she’s a big fan of Diane Ravitch, the nation’s leading opponent of charter schools, constantly retweeting Ravitch’s anti-charter school missives and sucking up to her on her blog.

For a conservative community like Douglas County, Lemieux’s love affair with unions and her disdain for charter schools and charter school parents is destined to doom her politically.