FrackingThe problem with all the one-size-fits-all formulas constantly passed down by Washington to manage western lands, is that their solutions never actually fit and are often just plan illegal.

Highlighting that impulse is Obama’s fracking rule that was struck down in federal court, which the government is trying to force down our throats once again by appealing the verdict.

One critical flaw is that the regulation lumps sovereign tribal lands with public lands, and Washington seems to have forgotten one essential fact. According to Tony Small of the Ute Indian Tribe:

“The government needs to understand that tribal lands aren’t public lands,” Small said, getting to the heart of the argument that has propelled the Utes into a bitter courtroom brawl over the rule. “These are our lands. We should be able to do as we want.”

Like other western states, tribes already have strict rules in place for inspections and other regulations to oversee the industry.

But the Democrats in control of the administration don’t want oversight, they want to cripple the industry to appease their environmental base.

They seem to have forgotten, or just don’t care, that Indian Nation has been their base of support a lot longer. And, they’ve been protecting the environment for a lot longer.