STRIKE! Kids Get Extra Vacation, Teachers Walk Out in Pueblo

Pueblo teachers go on strike Monday for three days, maybe a week, however long they think it will take the school district caves to their demands. Here’s the school board offer that was rejected last week by the teachers union. D60’s offer included a one-time...

JARED POLIS FOUNDATION: What Does He Do With Those Nickels and Dimes?

Now that he’s running for governor, we’re hearing a lot more about U.S. Rep. Jared Polis’s foundation and all of the money he contributes to his causes. And he should. Wednesday’s announcement that U.S. Rep. Daryl Issa will retire means Polis could soon be the richest...

NEW STUDY: When it comes to Education, We’re Paying More for Less

One of the greatest lies ever told to the American public – aside from President Obama’s “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan” – is the notion that our public schools are under funded. A new Cato Institute study, State Education Trends: Academic Performance...