DIRTY WORK: Hickenlooper Leverages EPA to Attack Rural Coloradans

Liberal Governor John Hickenlooper and his staff felt pretty safe from the reach of Colorado’s Open Records Act (CORA) by using their personal emails.  How else can you explain the blatant disregard chief strategist for Hickenlooper, Alan Salazar, has for rural...

HARD PRESSED: Hickenlooper Administration Wilting under Tough Questions

Does liberal Governor John Hickenlooper have toddlers working for him?  That’s the sense one gets when a spokesman for Hickenlooper would rather walk away from a question then actually answer something that might be pertinent to the people of Colorado. In the first of...

BIG SPENDER: Hick’s Employment Overhaul More Like Spending Spree

The Denver Post dropped a bomb on liberal Governor John Hickenlooper this morning.  Remember that employee overhaul that we all voted on that he promised wouldn’t cost Colorado taxpayers money?  Yeah, not surprisingly, it actually costs taxpayers money –...