YOUR VOICE: Tell Udall to Participate in Network Debates

YOUR VOICE: Tell Udall to Participate in Network Debates

It’s no secret that Sen. Mark Udall is hiding from Coloradans.  With poll numbers like his, we’d probably hide, too.  But, Compass Colorado is trying to force Udall out from under his rock with a new online petition demanding that Udall find time in his...
DO NOTHING SENATOR: Udall Singled Out For Accomplishing Nothing

DO NOTHING SENATOR: Udall Singled Out For Accomplishing Nothing

PeakNation™, do you know why Sen. Mark Udall can’t stop speaking about women’s uteri?  Well as national reporter Fred Barnes tells it, that’s because he’s been able to accomplish nothing in the Senate recently. Last week, panelists over at CNN couldn’t laugh...
YOUR VOICE: Tell Udall to Participate in Network Debates

GARDNER UP 8: Udall’s “Character Numbers Are Worse”

According to a Quinnipiac poll released this morning, Rep. Cory Gardner is up by 8 points on Sen. Mark Udall (48/40).  And, according to Tim Malloy, the assistant director of the Quinnipiac University poll, Udall is floundering: “For Sen. Mark Udall, the head to head...
SKEW THIS: Polls Coming Back To Bite Udall And Hick

SKEW THIS: Polls Coming Back To Bite Udall And Hick

You know what they say about the weather polls in Colorado: if you don’t like one, wait 15 minutes.  Despite Colorado Lefties best attempt to declare Sen. Mark Udall the most awesomest, bestest, coolest dude who ever lived the front runner in his race away from Obama...
LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!: Udall Can’t Escape His Own Words

LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!: Udall Can’t Escape His Own Words

Sen. Mark Udall’s phobia of televised debates is well-known throughout the Colorado media and press now.  What Udall’s cowardly act is hoping to achieve is that the general public in Colorado never sees moments like this: Cory Gardner: [Sen. Mark Udall], you told a...