Nothing is too low for Sen. Mark Udall in his attempt to be re-elected? Whether it is be trying to distort the bipartisan response to last year’s floods, or, now, using the tragic death of Steven Sotloff and James Foley, Udall is showing everything is political fodder for him to use. As you can see in the first of the two videos we posted below, Udall has the audacity to say Sotloff and Foley agree with him:
“I can tell you Steve Sotloff and James Foley would tell us, ‘Don’t be impulsive.’”
Yep, there’s Udall keeping it classy like he has done throughout this entire election. A man who has no problem using whatever tragedies are available to further his political career. Shaun Boyd over at CBS4 followed up the story, and despite the large, distasteful mistake Mark Udall made, he didn’t even have the courage to apologize on camera. Rather, he hid behind a statement his campaign issued. Like we said PeakNation™, classy.
Campaigning 101: Stop shaking your finger at the audience.