Republicans in Colorado are continuing to outpace Democrats in early ballot returns, growing their lead with ballots returned as of this morning, but it’s still early and returns are uneven. So far, 79,355 ballots have been reported as cast. Here’s the breakdown:
D: 24,648
R: 36,830
U: 17,191
For those of you keeping score at home, right now, turnout stands at 31% D, 46% R, and 21% U. This is a far cry from the 33D/33R/33U model that some polls have used, but it’s still incredibly early and this shouldn’t necessarily be taken as a predictor of the final. That said, the enthusiasm seems to be with Republicans for now.
Then, there are the suburbs that everyone across the country is eyeing – Jefferson and Arapahoe Counties. Here’s the ballot returns for these two counties:
Jefferson County (Total: 13,829)
D: 4,352 (31.5%)
R: 5,961 (43.1%)
U: 3,394 (24.5%)
Arapahoe County (Total: 10,884)
D: 3,521 (32.3%)
R: 4,877 (44.8%)
U: 2,378 (21.8%)
See the ballot returns from October 17th here. The next report will come out on Wednesday.
I'm voting for Mike Dunafon for Governor! I'm a Boulder County Democrat voting for Dunafon and I agree this is our chance to break the back of the party system
The independents/unaffiliated need to get their bottoms in gear. This is a significant opportunity to voice dissatisfaction with the two-party duopoly. There are actually unaffiliated candidates on the ballot – who have committed in writing to limiting their number of terms.
Our nation's founders were forced to resort to armed conflict for their revolution. But they provided us a mechanism for a peaceful revolution – at the ballot box. Show at least a modicum of the backbone the founders did – vote to show the two parties that we have had enough and we want our country back. We want 'representatives' that represent us – not lackeys loyal only to the two-party oligarchy.