Communities outside the Denver-metro area are peeved that Gov. John Hickenlooper’s latest appointment to the Colorado Supreme Court wasn’t someone who lives outside the state’s capital city.
The Colorado Springs Gazette editorial board explains:
We have seven Supreme Court justices and not even one from outside the governor’s adoptive hometown, where professional cliques decide what’s best for the rest of the state.
This isn’t the first time Hick has been slammed for ignoring constituents who live outside Denver. A few years ago, he was accused of launching a war on rural Colorado by passing stricter gun laws and a renewable energy mandate that unfairly targeted rural electric coops.
Then, earlier this year, Hick vetoed two bills that would have banned red light cameras because he didn’t want municipalities to lose the revenue they generate. A clear sign that he can’t seem to escape the mindset of a city bureaucrat.
But what’s most striking to us about this nomination is that as much as liberals love diversity, they only champion a certain kind of diversity. When it comes to geographic (or ideological) diversity, they couldn’t care less.