Recent Headlines
Coloradans get their chance to scrap sanctuary laws with ballot measure
Detainees at the Aurora immigration facility escaped this week and are still at large but the media could care less except to fuel a fight between local law enforcement and ICE. Reporters aren’t the least bit curious how the two escapees, and only those two, knew that...
Colo Dems mum on Obama era judge ordering TdA deportees be returned to U.S. mid-flight
Colorado Democrats fear-mongered for months the Trump administration’s real agenda in deporting Biden’s border busters was to rip grandmothers from their beds and children from schools, vowing to stop the process even if it meant going to jail themselves. And now...
Colo Republican authors bill to reverse Biden’s land lockup from recreation and energy use
Colorado’s freshmen Republican congressmen aren’t wasting any time to reverse Biden’s land lockups that blocked recreation access and energy development on public lands. The Western Slope’s U.S. Rep. Jeff Hurd introduced a bill this week to return the Bureau of Land...
Taxpayers no longer paying for business loans to illegal aliens. SBA exits sanctuary city Denver
Joe Biden's policy of subsidizing his open borders scheme by shoveling taxpayer dollars towards business loans for companies owned by illegal aliens is over. The Small Business Administration is enacting a citizenship verification provision to ensure businesses...
The most dangerous man in politics wants to be Colorado’s next governor
Michael Bennet is spreading rumors he wants to be Colorado’s next governor to replace Jared Polis. The Democrat senator is wise to gauge support before committing to another humiliating political defeat. PeakNation™ will recall Bennet was jockeying for last...
Colorado cult hero who helped illegals skirt immigration finally captured by ICE, faces her own deportation
There are two sides to every story, as the old saying goes. But that axiom is lost on today’s journalists whose sole mission is to advocate for leftist causes. They’re outdoing themselves in Colorado this week with heart wrenching tales of the ICE detention of our...
Democrats activate protestors instead of governing and Colorado’s on their hit list
Democrats in D.C. are still flailing to regain their message footing, obviously clueless when it comes to governing a free market and independent-minded people. So instead, they are pivoting to campaign attack dogs and launching the 2026 election cycle just nine weeks...
Dems nab $10 million to redecorate their offices thumbing noses at state’s $1.2 billion budget hole
Colorado is facing a $1.2 billion budget shortfall this year that has Democrats looking to make cuts in programs precious to taxpayers and low-income residents. But what the Democrat-controlled legislature is not willing to sacrifice is the $10 million they’ve set...
Mr. Johnston goes to Washington, and now faces jail for Denver’s unconstitutional sanctuary laws
Mayor Mike Johnston had an answer for everything during Wednesday’s congressional oversight hearing on Denver’s sanctuary city laws. Unfortunately, it was to questions he was never asked, and that only served to anger an already frustrated Congress working to plug the...
Peak Politics marks 14 years dogging Colorado’s wayward politicians and media hacks
Colorado Peak Politics was launched 14 years ago to call balls and strikes and record the absurdity of state politics. The goal was to nudge them towards sensible policies and lower taxes with a sense of humor, or a wrecking ball, whichever worked best. Journalists...