Senate President John Morse isn’t hiding his budding bromance with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg anymore. In an article by Lynn Bartels of The Denver Post, Morse openly declares his fervent hope that Bloomberg rides to the rescue with some more cold hard cash for his recall defense campaign.
He’ll need it after recall organizers turned in over 16,000 signatures, compared to the only 13,866 votes Morse received in his last election in 2010.
Any Bloomberg bucks would be in addition to the at least $20,000 Morse’s recall defense campaign has already taken from Bloomberg-backed America Votes.
From Bartels’ write up:
The NRA already is active in the recall effort, and Morse said he believes he could receive help from New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, if there is an election.
“If this ends up on the ballot, I do think it turns into a race of national importance,” Morse said.
Read the whole piece here.
Yes, the NRA has been involved in the recall — to the wild tune of $985 for a mailer, per The Denver Post‘s Kurtis Lee. The Bloomberg-backed America Votes, on the other hand, has given at least $20,000 so far to the pro-Morse group, with much more likely to be exposed when the pro-Morse group files their report by midnight tonight.
How, then, does Morse jive dreams of Big Apple bucks with this grandstanding statement he tweeted this morning?
I intend to fight this – we cannot allow outside interest groups to determine what is best for Colorado. #coleg #copolitics #GunSafety
— John Morse (@SenJohnMorse) June 4, 2013
The politics of projection, we guess.
Actually, most of what is being done is against the Colorado State Constitution.
It wasn't outside interest signing the petitions.
Charlie Butler How about Democrat?
The Dem's are A flock of sheep following the herder(Bloomberg) to slaughter. They will crush this state and turn it into A shit pot like NY.(dirty, stinky and over crowded) This is A state thing let's keep it in the state Leave the outsiders out of it.
Oh so whomever doesn't think like you or isn't as uneducated as you is an outside group? We ALL LIVE INSIDE USA BY THE ONLY USA LAW CONSTITUTIONAL LAW!
We need a stronger term than hypocrite, it doesn't seem to get it done anymore.
Montie, this is happening all across our nation, the mainstream parties are handpicking the State candidates and supporting them with outside money. This Strategy has worked in Colorado giving the Democrats a majority in both houses and the Governorship. Once they got control of all four branches in our State Government, including the placement of Colorado Supreme Court Judges that will legislate the far left politics from the bench and rule against our State Constitution, they started ramming their left wing agenda down our throats. These people are Traitors to our own State Constitution, most of the legislation that they are passing is unconstitutional w our Colorado State Constitution. The war on liberty will never be over, stay vigilant and protect your State from outside influences.
Someone recently told me Bloomers was a Republican. While there are anti-2A republicans, Bloomie ain't one.
It's only "outside money" if the other side does it, silly.
I used to think that most Colorado natives were of a similar mindset to most of us in the surrounding flyover States like my own Oklahoma. That of rugged individualists, who are independent minded, take care of yourself types who want as little governmental intrusion in our lives as possible. I was therefore quite shocked at the new draconian antigun legislation recently passed by your legislature. After seeing some television interviews with Morse and learning of the millions of dollars Bloomberg poured into the push to get the legislation passed I had a better understanding.
Morse comes off as more elitist than even his benefactor Bloomberg, which makes me wonder how in the hell he got elected in a state like Colorado. Oh, I know there are enclaves where the rich and famous hang out but I didn't realize they were numerous enough to elect their very own east/west (take your pick) coast politician. If Colorado folks are successful in getting of this hypocrite (his recent tweet suggests his picture might be in the dictionary next to the definition for that word) maybe he can move to New York City and get a job on Bloomberg's staff. A location and profession more suited to his mindset. GOOD LUCK WITH THE RECALL!
This whole Colorado Democrat Anti-Gun thing has me perplexed. John Morse goes from a "moderate" Dem to an extreme radical Democrat. Did they really convince themselves that Colorado would "Swallow the bitter draught" and not care? It is a swing state, and they very may have just handed the enitre state to the GOP. Why on Earth would they give up political power like that? For years they knew how to toe the line when it came to gun owners, and suddenly they forget? I would like to think that there is "more then what meets the eye", and there is a lot more political fanagaling going on behind the scenes, but on the same token, could they have really beleived that there would be no political consequences? Did the group mentallity cause the fatality? picture related,_or_America_swallowing_the_bitter_draught,_06-1774_-_NARA_-_535720.jpg
That is why he needs to go!!!
Bloomberg money is not from an outside interest because Bloomberg is a "comrade in disarming" and they are of one mind. Only the liberal elite can be trusted with control.
Keep Fighting CO you can beat Bloom burg and this Azz Hat.
The NRA didn't contribute anything useful to this effort and only jumped on at the end. Anyone that mailer reached already knew what was going on. This effort was CO residents taking care of business themselves.
what does morse call bloomberg money if not outside intestrests, what a hyprocite!