Have you run into problems with Obamacare? Apparently, you’re not allowed if you’re a Republican or have donated to Republican causes. At least, that’s the message from our counterparts on the left according to its post from yesterday.
Americans for Prosperity sent out a media advisory yesterday for a rally today at 8:30 a.m. at the Capitol featuring AFP president Tim Phillips, Senate Minority Leader Bill Cadman, and Carol Perry, a Coloradan who has been negatively impacted by Obamacare. The goal of this event is to hold Sen. Mark Udall accountable for his Obamacare vote. In conjunction with the press conference, AFP will launch a new ad against Udall. From the other blog’s post:
Perry also appears to be a frequent witness in favor of Republicans on a wide variety of issues. We’ve found records of her testifying against last year’s gun safety bills. In the 2012 elections, Perry was a public face of My Purse Politics (photo above right), a a project of the Conservative Women’s Alliance aimed at turning out the woman conservative vote. But one of the most amusing, and telling, press hits for Carol Perry came last June in testimony on the lack of respect for “political diversity” at the University of Colorado.
Uh-oh, Perry is a (gasp) Republican? That means that any issue she has with Obamacare is purely politically motivated, right? That’s sarcasm.
The facts are these: Sen. Udall was a deciding vote (yes, we’re doubling down on that) for Obamacare. Obamacare has left more than 335,000 people in Colorado without the plans they liked, despite promises from Udall that “if they liked their plan, they could keep it”. Many in Colorado have lost the doctors they liked and are now forced to pay more for plans they don’t like.
This attempt to discredit Perry is simply a bullying tactic from the left to silence critics who speak out against their signature piece of legislation and it’s shameful. First Perry is a victim of Udall’s ill-conceived Obamacare and now the left?
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Can't wait to see all the details of Ms Perry's case. Apparently they're not yet available.
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OK, you morons.
If the Koch brothers want to make a point, then they should find a registered Democrat who has problems with Obamacare. It is all about the optics.