Gov. John Hickenlooper this morning on his bill that raised electricity rates on rural Coloradans:
“It was a complicated bill that a lot of people in rural Colorado also didn’t appreciate.”
Gov. John Hickenlooper later on this morning:
“Several hundred bucks to a family is a big difference.”
PeakNation™, perhaps Hickenlooper just doesn’t realize you get to a billion (the estimated costs in bigger electric bills of Hick’s forced mandate bill on rural Colorado) only by “several hundred bucks” from all rural Coloradan families. So Hick, on behalf of all the rural Coloradans who don’t appreciate paying higher electric rates, we here at the Peak would like to apologize on their behalf that they “didn’t appreciate” your “complicated bill” enough for your liking. We know how infallible your faculties are, and that your judgments are second to none, that rural Coloradans just don’t understand how your dictates will make their lives better (you must feel towards rural Colorado what your BFF, former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, feels about all of Colorado).
But don’t take our word for it, let us hand it off to a man so attune to rural Coloradan we wouldn’t be surprised if he was their unofficial mascot, Sen. Greg Brophy. Here’s how he felt about your comments today:
.@hickforco at it again. Rural Coloradans are just too dumb. SB13-252 was “a complicated bill that rural CO didn’t appreciate” #cogov 1/?
— SenatorBrophy (@SenatorBrophy) October 14, 2014
.@hickforco most recent slap of rural CO is from Arvada Chamber forum, but it’s serial with him 2/? #cogov
— SenatorBrophy (@SenatorBrophy) October 14, 2014
Remember when he said “this is an urban problem that will require a little inconvenience of rural people” ? #cogov 3/?
— SenatorBrophy (@SenatorBrophy) October 14, 2014
Remember when @hickforco mentor Bloomberg said there aren’t even roads in Colorado Springs and Pueblo? #cogov 4/?
— SenatorBrophy (@SenatorBrophy) October 14, 2014
Remember when @hickforco said rural CO is full of murderous bigots? #cogov 5/?
— SenatorBrophy (@SenatorBrophy) October 14, 2014
How can anyone from rural CO consider voting for someone who sees us with utter contempt? – @hickforco 6/done (for now) #furious #cogov
— SenatorBrophy (@SenatorBrophy) October 14, 2014
SB13-252 was opposed by every group representing rural CO, but we “don’t appreciate it” @hickforco X/not.done.til.ur.gone #cogov
— SenatorBrophy (@SenatorBrophy) October 14, 2014
SB13-252 will cost ppl in rural CO millions in increased power bills but we “don’t appreciate it” @hickforco boy, that is complicated
— SenatorBrophy (@SenatorBrophy) October 14, 2014
Well said Senator, well said. When will Hick stop his war on rural Colorado?
Thanks for the information, maybe I'll go back again to your website to read the latest news other, because the news contained in this website is very informative once
How about all those rural hicks who have no brains according to the Governor, pool their votes together and unelect this tax and spend Democrat?
GREG BROPHY YOUR A HYPOCRIT LOOK AT YOUR REPUBLICAN RIVER WATER BILL AN WHAT IT DID TO RURAL COLO!!! COLO ECONOMY IS THE BEST ITS BEEN IN YEARS! WHERES THE TRUTH! YOUR NOTHING MORE THAN A SORE LOSER.. WHY DO YOU THINK YOU GOT NOWHERE RUNNING FOR GOVENOR! You meddled in our an other peoples lives that cost us dearly against John our Irifologist you were dishonest then as you are now! Cant believe how you've changed over the years! Our dads were the best of friends an both on the oposite side of your political agenda!!! SSAADD!!!!
What do you mean, "not rural?" You people don't even have paved roads out there!
Sincerely, Colorado Governor M. Bloomberg.
I'd like to point out that Castle Rock isn't rural in almost any sense of the word. This doesn't just affect "rural" Coloradans, it affects all customers of IREA, including Castle Rock.
You hicks in rural A-frames are just going to have to suck it up and pay for your big government ineptitude. We screwed up California, now we're here in CO to set you folks straight.
You are so blessed in Colorado to have such a benevolent and sagacious genius to guide you and protect you from your ignorance and selfish desire to save the money you worked so hard for. Do you not realize that this great sage of the ages is trying to protect you from the evils of having to suffer from your venal desire to live in the sticks and enjoy the benefits of a middle class existence in Hicksville (no pun intended; well, maybe a little). What a pompous asshat. HE was what I foresaw in 1984 when I left for Wyoming. The writing was on the wall.
It could be part of chickenlooper's game plan for election. Keep the rural people so broke that they can't afford gas to go to the polls to vote his sorry a** out. Also that increase will be one less gun some can buy next year. Part of his anti gun scheme.
Don't know how any rational person could vote for that clown. This ignorant rural hick won't be.