So many Colorado reporters are sharpening their knives, or uhm, pencils with anticipation over the news that Vice Presidential Contender JD Vance is coming to Denver next month for a fundraising event.

As PeakNation™ is fully aware, Republicans don’t get the red-carpet treatment afforded by the media to the more progressive-minded candidates who run on the Democrat ticket.

We don’t expect they will be invited.

The fundraiser will be hosted by Republican supporter Larry Mizel, chairman of the home construction company MDC Holdings, and former U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner.

Mizel is also a strong supporter of Israel, so it’s no surprise the location of the fundraiser is on a need-to-know basis.

And those who need to know are supporters of the GOP presidential ticket purchasing at minimum a $3,300 ticket.

Not the radical Islamists and their petulant college student minions who would protest the event if the location were disclosed, to demand the elimination of the Israeli state from the river to the sea.

And while calling for the death of Jews in one breath, accusing them of genocide in the next, because they are confused little puppet people.

Pro tip: If protests are planned for that day, participants should refrain from any violence — and they might want to leave all their electronic devices behind.