This is the third article in a three-part series where we’ve asked leading Republicans to weigh in from the conservative perspective on civil unions, and whether they should be allowed in Colorado.
Civil Thoughts on Liberty and Justice For All
By Senator Shawn Mitchell
Senate District 23
I voted against SB 172 to create civil unions. It was a challenging vote. After 13 years in the legislature, it was the first time I remember not participating in debate on a “gay rights” issue. Among many competing thoughts, two were most powerful, and felt in tension with each other: supporting marriage and the parent-child family as the foundation of a sustainable society; and dealing justly and decently with citizens who want only to enjoy domestic tranquility with loved ones.
I’ve long shared the conservative view that you can’t embrace the second without undermining the first; recognizing same sex relationships would accelerate the fraying of society’s commitment to the nuclear family and bonds among mother, father, and children. However, in recent years and for various reasons, that doesn’t feel as clear as it used to.
Before discussing the possible shift in feeling, I want to explain values and beliefs that make that shift difficult.
It’s tough to respond briefly to words like "freedom," "privacy" and "tolerance" that gay rights supporters think win this argument. They don't because freedom and privacy aren’t the issue. Americans can do pretty much whatever with whomever we want that doesn't involve force or children. There aren’t bedroom cops or government interference, or involvement at all — which turns out to be the problem.
Advocates for civil unions don’t want to be left alone; they want to be recognized. They want society to engage them on the same terms it engages married couples.
But the state’s interest has always seemed different to me. Government didn’t invent the nuclear family. Rather, public policies evolved to recognize and accommodate it. But accommodate what? Society doesn’t need to congratulate or provide a notarized valentine to adult lovers. They can take care of themselves. Public interest mainly is recognizing and supporting the difficult, expensive, and critical role of nurturing children. The state’s interest in marriage is a stable cradle to raise a civilized generation.
Here, people often play what they think is a trump card: Some gay households have children. Some heterosexual couples don’t, don’t want them or can’t have them. Conservatives who mean it have to sort them out and deny marriage to couples in those categories. Nonsense. The idea of an intrusive state trying to learn and enforce such personal things is both repugnant and totally unnecessary to the conservative view. Law is a broad instrument directed at broad categories. Only the union of male and female can procreate. Statistically, demography reflects biology. To paraphrase Willie Sutton, heterosexual unions are where the children are, or at least where they came from.
Based on this child/family focus, I’ve opposed extending any formal status beyond the union of a man and a woman mainly for the reasons Kevin Lundberg expressed well in his earlier piece. But advocates ask a compelling question: what does the civil union next door do to your marriage? Good point. It does nothing to my marriage, or probably yours. But it may do things to future marriages and the stability of those families and their children.
It could make them less likely in the first place if heterosexual couples choose civil unions over traditional marriage. In European countries with civil unions, significant numbers of heterosexuals opt for the less formal arrangement. As if family weren’t fragile enough, for many children, mommy and daddy aren’t married, they’re under contract.
It further erodes the cultural consensus and social expectation that reinforce marriage as unique, that a man and woman commit not just to each other, but to God and/or society to work and sacrifice for their family. We're sliding from the historic view of a civil and religious ordinance for raising families, to an adult, gratification-centered arrangement that serves the interests of the parties for as long as they feel like it. Attitudes change, and attitudes about commitment, loyalty, and obligation to the next generation seem to be changing for the worse.
Yet, with all that, the years have brought different experiences into focus. I’ve known a number of gay couples with and without children. They're simply trying to pursue happiness. I’ve heard of obstacles they face, practical issues, with property, hospital visitation, insurance, inheritance, etc. True, there are ways to lawyer around most those things. But I’ve considered how some bills in the legislature might affect these friends and their domestic tranquility. And, most relevantly, I’ve wondered whether the diffuse cultural impact on families that I want to guard against would really flow from some of those policies.
Conservatives have long cited other factors eroding family stability, including permissive divorce laws, perverse behaviors enabled by an impersonal welfare state, men who abandon families, fatherless children, increased sexuality among teens and children, and more. The impact of these trends on families and child welfare is direct and devastating.
Considering these things, I wondered if I was focusing on a mote that might touch heterosexual families, and missing a beam squeezing gay households. Maybe recognizing civil unions could blur the focus on two parent homes raising children. But maybe the impact would be minuscule compared to broader trends ravaging families. And maybe the benefits that same-sex households would feel acutely are simply more important and more valuable to them than any speculative and marginal damage to the climate for heterosexual commitment is to others.
That could be borne out in numbers. Many sources don’t accept the claim of a 10% gay population, finding a range of 3 to 6% more credible. And if a quarter or half of them want to enter a civil union, what impact, even under the conservative theories, would come from the small numbers?
The Senate Reader called my name and pulled me from these thoughts. I voted No, and kept pondering, and still do, and wonder if I might round a corner on civil unions.
So what are the awful things that have happened in the European countries that have opted for Civil Unions over marriage? You don’t seem to finish that thought in your editorial. Marriage is a legal contract. I know heterosexual friends that did not marry in a church but chose the justice of the peace, they enjoy all of the legal privileges that go along with that “contract”. Gay couples would have to go to great expenses in legal fees to come close to enjoying those same privileges. Ask any elementary teacher today if they have a majority of nuclear/traditional families represented by the students they have in their classes. I would bet more than half of the students do not live in the two married parent families that you seem to believe are so necessary for our survival as a culture.
Senator – I was curious about your final comment “The Senate Reader called my name and pulled me from these thoughts. I voted No, and kept pondering, and still do, and wonder if I might round a corner on civil unions.”
I sincerely hope that you will continue to give this serious thought because this is an issue that will resurface.
Fortunately, minds are changing and I pray that one day your mind will change as well.
Mike Triggs – Former Executive Director of the Minnesota Republican Party and former Latter-day Saint who left the church because of this issue.
I just read Condi Rice’s autobiography, Extraordinary People, which frequently explains how her family survived under brutal segregation in Birmingham and how LBJ’s signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 change her life and her family’s lives over night. Remember that the Rice family were Republicans.
The relevance of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the civil union and gay marriage debate of today is the huge toll legal discrimination against minorities, including gays, has on the victims and on the discriminator.
As someone who supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and cheered its passage and as someone who supports both civil unions and gay marriage, nothing has shamed me more than the knowledge that my country historically legalized slavery, segregation and discrimination against gays.
The only saving graces, in both cases, is that Republicans and led the war that ended slavery and provided the winning votes for the Civil Rights Act. While few elected Republicans or Democrats have spoken out as forcefully as they will in favor of gay marriage and civil unions, many of us who don’t run for office are fighting to bring sanity to this debate even though we have no direct skin in the fight.
We’re making progress. 51% of Americans now support gay marriage. I assume more support civil unions, but not many of the Big Government Republicans and conservatives in elected offices do, yet. Only this year, Obama’s finally admitting he supports gay marriage and civil unions. There has been a huge change in opinions on gay marriage and civil unions over the last five years. This makes any previous referendum on gay marriage virtually obsolete in Colorado and America, I think.
Americans are starting to understand that government should have no roles in deciding who can marry whom or who can form civil unions. If two people want to create a civil union, that is the business of the parties, not of the state and not of any other third party.
But if any religious organizations want to promote hate, divisiveness and refuse to recognize same sex “marriages,” that’s their business. Some already ban divorced people from taking communion, etc.—unless they have the financial and political clout to be recognized as the favored few.
The idea that civil unions or gay marriages will affect the family or in the future is pretty unbelievable considering how much the marriage institution has deteriorated around the world under the weight of oppressive laws and religious rules and regulations. And the idea that the marriage institution hasn’t changed frequently over the last 5, 100, 1,000 and 9,000 years shows an ignorance of the history of marriage and humanity.
Let’s see, what kind of marriage did we and do we believe in?
Did we consider women the “property” of their husbands? No, of course not.
Do fathers and sons kill daughters to protect the family honor? Not in the 21st Century unless you live in the Middle East.
Do Chinese and Indian families kill baby girls because they want boys? Let’s not talk about it.
Do poor third world families sell their daughters into prostitution and slavery?
Do American fathers refuse to hand over their businesses to their daughters, preferring to put less competent sons in charge? Many still do.
Do families still hand their crowns to their eldest sons instead of to their daughters? Well, at least in Britain they’re talking about changing that law.
Do many, if not most families, have siblings who don’t speak to each other and are otherwise dysfunctional?
Do we have Ivy League Mothers who drive their daughters to perfection and rebellion by making them study, study and study with no dating? Are our public schools failing because parents are so obsessed with their lives that they ignore their kids? Not in America, and never in Colorado.
To pretend that there is a traditional, perfect, universal family structure on any block in America is to make you wonder what kind of lives people who make such claims live. Is anyone in such denial and so insensitive about what’s going on around them, even in their families?
The sooner Big Government Republicans and non libertarian conservatives as well as plenty of Democrats and independents rethink their views about human relationships, families and civil unions as many of us already have and as Shawn Mitchell says he is rethinking his, the less divisive, unfair and cruel Americans and Coloradans will be to each other.
Thanks for reading.