In their latest edition, the Colorado Statesman has a great interview with former US Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell.
As the Statesman puts it, Senator Campbell famously “upended state politics in 1995 — just after the GOP took control of Congress — by changing his affiliation to Republican and was easily reelected three years later.” Proving to be one of the most popular political brands in Colorado, Campbell was easily re-elected as a Republican in 1998 and retired after finishing out his last Senate term in 2004.
One interesting anecdote from the interview is when Campbell is talking about his friendship with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar:
And I noticed this recent poll, only 16 percent positive approval rating or something, which I feel sorry for him. But hey, I know Kenny as a person and I think he’s working at it as hard as he can.
16% approval rating? That's Dan Maes territory. Even Nancy Pelosi had a higher approval rating. If even your friends are pointing out how poorly you are viewed by the public, we think it's time you come home.
He’s a great guy.
He almost interviews himself.
I think 1/3 of the journalist questions were “really?”
And what Campbell says is generally correct and interesting.
More like a personal conversation! It was definitely an interesting read though.