Jude Sandvall: Aurora can’t afford “business as usual” politics
By Bob Schaffer
Through my years serving the citizens of Colorado, I’ve seen firsthand the devastating effects of over spending, over taxing and over burdening our businesses at every level of government.
Aurora citizens are not immune to these effects, and it’s time to set a new course. That’s why I’m supporting Jude Sandvall for Mayor of Aurora.
I’ve known Jude Sandvall for many years, and I trust that he will bring his business experience, and common-sense conservative principles to lead Aurora forward. He’s not a career politician. Instead, he worked his way through college, started his first business in his 20s, and has grown businesses and created jobs.
Jude has promised the citizens of Aurora he’ll work to strengthen the economy, create jobs, support quality education for all children, and provide accountable leadership.
Jude will govern with conservative values of fiscal discipline. His plans include the implementation of Aurora CMAP, a system shown to create substantial taxpayer savings and accountability. This plan is a positive, limited-government approach that will get Aurora back on track to bringing back shuttered libraries and recreation centers.
I like Jude’s approach to conservative government for Aurora, and he has earned my strong endorsement. Aurora can’t afford “business as usual” politics. Learn more about Jude at www.auroramayor.com