OUR VIEW: If John Hickenlooper is believing his press clips, he may have started measuring the drapes in the White House. But this salvo from a powerful liberal group is a small reminder that he’ll never get a chance to hang those drapes if his liberal base hates him…or if he becomes seen as a pandering wimp.
John Hickenlooper has had his worst day as Governor.
Beset by criticism that he has been indecisive in corralling the miscreants who call themselves Occupy Denver, now Governor John Hickenlooper is drawing heavy fire from the Left over another issue…his stubborn refusal to take a position on Proposition 103.
A reader forwarded an email just sent from Great Ed Colorado, one of the groups pushing for the $3 Billion tax increase known as Prop 103, calling on Governor Hickenlooper and state legislators to get out of their governance hidey holes and take a position on 103.
After legislative Republicans sent a letter to Hickenlooper and Democrat leadership in the state House and Senate calling on them to oppose Prop 103, Great Ed has now followed up with their own letter…and petition…asking legislators and Chickenlooper to pick a side.
Per the email:
That's why we're asking you to sign our letter to all 100 legislators and the governor, asking them to help us pass Proposition 103 — even if it means changing their position.
Their leadership would be instrumental in helping voters understand what's at stake for our children, communities and economy.
Please sign the letter, and pass it along to other public education supporters. Not only will that add to the impact of the letter, it will also spread the word about the importance of Proposition 103.
Here at the Peak we've been calling on the Guv to take a position for months. It appears that frustration with Hickenlooper's lack of leadership has now caused enough consternation among the tax hike set that even they are willing to go on the warpath to get a position out of Hick.
Liberal activists as far back as August were getting sick of the tax hike timidness among legislators, causing one to blast out an email asking Dem legislators to sign on in support of the job-killing measure.
The email and letter from Great Ed Colorado represents a heightening of hostilities. The stakes have been raised for Hick. Now it's his own side of the aisle going after him.
If Hickenlooper shuts down the Denver squatter camp tonight at 11 pm, as he hinted he would in a press conference this morning, will he have enough political capital left to continue ignoring the clamoring on the Left for him to take a position on Prop 103?
Speaking of political capital, if John Hickenlooper is believing his press clips, he may have started measuring the drapes in the White House. But this salvo from a powerful liberal group is a small reminder that he’ll never get a chance to hang those drapes if his liberal base hates him…or if he becomes seen as a pandering wimp.
(“No Love From The Left” Photo Credit: Square State)