Some people don't care for bare-knuckle politics. We here at the Peak kinda' love it.
One such bare knuckles moment happened last weekend when Victor Mitchell, the leader of the statewide campaign opposing the $3 Billion tax increase known as Prop. 103, forced Senator Linda Newell to take a position on the job killing tax-o-gram.
Newell, as is the case with so many Democrats, has cowered like a coward over the whole Prop. 103 question. Her love of the children tells her to say "Yes We Can!"
But her fear of it being used against her has sent her into hiding, staying quiet on the initiative, hoping no one would notice — until Victor Mitchell asked her point blank at a recent debate between Mitchell and Rollie Heath.
Luckily, roving video blogger Kelly Maher of WhoSaidYouSaid was there to catch it all on tape. Check it out:
With this most recent Dem caught with her hand in the tax hike cookie jar, we can add one more to our expanding list of legislators who have publicly supported raising taxes $3 Billion in the worst economy of most of our lifetimes.
This is particularly not good for Newell as her seat is likely to be targeted in 2012, as she barely squeaked out a victory in the landslide Democrat year of 2008.
We think it's safe to say this video has a good chance to make it on air next year in the form of an attack ad, haunting Senator Newell with her own words.
Is Linda up for reelection this year? Who is her opponent?