The clearest narrative coming out of Obama's latest taxpayer-funded campaign trip across the country is that Democrats have been ducking their Campaigner-in-Chief. From Virginia to Nevada reporters have noticed a distinct absence of Democrat politicians and candidates by Obama's side as he campaigns through expected 2012 swing states under the auspice of advocating for his American "Jobs" Act — a bill already killed in the US Senate with the help of members of his own party.

The question is: will Colorado reporters take notice when the likes of Sal Pace and Joe Miklosi are nowhere to be found when Obama takes the stage in Colorado tonight and tomorrow?

Here's a brief roundup of coverage from the previous stops of Obama's most recent campaign tour.

The national narrative, per David Catanese of Politico:

Despite President Barack Obama’s sagging poll ratings, top Democratic leaders from around the country insist they’d love for him to visit. From state party chairmen to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, the message remains remarkably consistent: No one views the president as a political liability.  

Roughly a year out from the 2012 presidential election, that may be true. But already, as Obama’s most recent forays into battleground states indicate, there are growing signs that many Democratic politicians don’t want to get too close to him, either. [Peak emphasis]


The AP's Bob Lewis on Obama's Virginia swing:

EMPORIA, Va. (AP) — Don't look for Democrats in fiercely contested Virginia legislative elections to join President Barack Obama as he brings his campaign-style American Jobs Act bus tour to three cities in this state.  And don't expect Tim Kaine, the former Democratic National Committee chairman and Virginia's governor two years ago, to join his old ally either.

The narrative is probably best summed up in this tweet by the Dean of the Nevada political press corps, Jon Ralston:

It will be particularly interesting to see if Sal Pace shows up. He has already made signs acknowledging that he has to run far more conservative than he actually is by opposing Prop 103 through the Hickenlooper model — saying people don't have an appetite for tax increases and then refusing to take a formal position. 

While Brandon Shaffer has embraced the proposed $3 Billion tax increase known as Prop 103, Pace has run for the hills.  

Will he do the same with his party's President?