There is a glut of interesting reporting out this morning on the Batman Butcher and pervert James Eagan Holmes.
This morning we learn that he was adopted, that his mom had long suspected he was bat sh*t crazy, and, most interestingly, that he was not doped-up or otherwise medicated during his courtroom appearance earlier this week. Shocker — Holmes nodding and staring off into bizzar-oh-land was probably a big fat fake.
From the New York Daily News:
'We don’t just hand out meds,' the Arapahoe County Detention Center worker told the New York Daily News. 'It just doesn’t work like that. If he was acting sleepy, he was faking it.'
This is outside the Peak's normal political purview, but we think it bears emphasis and repitition. James Holmes is a killer, a pervert and his antics are those of a faker. This kid isn't insane. He is bat sh_t crazy. And the long path of the justice system should result in his state-sanctioned death.