While the majority of the the news coming from the Capitol has focused on the Democrat-sponsored gun control package, Democrats quietly will roll out a job-killing and pointless fracking regulation package this week, according to the Denver Business Journal. As usual, Senate Democrats obfuscate the true meaning of the legislation with nonsensical double speak:
Senate Majority Leader Morgan Carroll, D-Aurora, called the measures an “economy development-in-energy” package. But House Minority Leader Mark Waller, R-Colorado Springs, immediately referred to it as a “job-killing plan.”
Details on the new package from Democrat Senator Morgan Carroll unsurprisingly were few, but Carroll told the DBJ to expect “some bills dealing with the health issues on fracking.”
The need for such legislation might surprise some Coloradans as just last month a study of an Erie well found that health risks from emissions of area natural gas wells were low. From a Denver Post article, written for the Daily Camera by reporter Joe Rubino:
“The monitored concentrations of benzene, one of the major risks driving chemicals, are well within acceptable limits to protect public health, as determined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,” the state’s report on its findings read. “The concentrations of various compounds are comparatively low and are not likely to raise significant health issues of concern….”
“…She could say that based on her findings, a lifetime of exposure to those levels were unlikely to result in adverse health effects for people.”
Despite similar studies with similar results conducted across the country, environmentalists refuse to believe that fracking does not pose a health hazard. Their willful ignorance of the scientific facts can only be explained by the fact that the results don’t support their reason for existence. Further, now that Democrats hold the State House, State Senate, and the Governor’s Mansion, it’s time to payback their funders, many of whom are heavily invested in green technology, which is in competition with natural gas.
If Democrats want to kill natural gas production in Colorado, that’s an election consequence. But, let’s not pretend it’s in the name of “health” – let’s call a spade a spade and recognize that its simply time to payback their friends.