The right is fighting back. Today, conservative group Compass Colorado joined the fray in the Morse recall, helping to educate voters in Morse’s Senate District 11 on how to combat the voter intimidation taking place on behalf of Morse’s front group.

As we reported yesterday, A Whole Lot of People for John Morse is attempting to intimidate signers of the Morse petition to take their name off the petition, hoping they can get more than 3,000 to do so, thus invalidating the whole process.

From Compass’s press release:

Colorado Springs, Colo. (June 24, 2013) – In response to numerous reports of attempted voter intimidation from “A Whole Lot of People for John Morse”, Compass Colorado has provided tools to help Senate District 11 residents understand the signs of voter intimidation and defend their right to recall Democratic Senate President John Morse.

“Senator John Morse’s constituents spoke loud and clear in their intention to hold Sen. Morse accountable,” said Kelly Maher, executive director of Compass Colorado. “Voters must arm themselves with information in order to stop the blatant attempts by Morse and his out-of-state funders like New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to disenfranchise petition signers.”

Compass Colorado is providing three ways to help SD11 residents stand up for their right to recall, including:

  • Phone calls designed to help them identify voter intimidation and bullying tactics employed by the Morse campaign.
  • An online tip sheet helping residents to understand the signs of voter intimidation, which can be found here.
  • An outlet to report acts of voter intimidation, at

They also released an infographic helping residents of SD11 identify signs of voter intimidation. You can find that after the jump: