Deb L Deborah, we’re guessing that’s not her real name, responded to our post last week about naming an animal rights movement after activist groups that the FBI considers as ecoterrorists.
Warning, her post contains very strong language, and limited punctuation.
There you have it, folks. The warm and fuzzy animal lovers of Castle Rock.
Here is the original post, in case you missed it.
CASTLE ROCK CRITTER LIBERATORS: Naming Animal Rights Group After Terrorists is Not Amusing

Animal activists from Earth Liberation Front set fire to Vail Resort properties on Oct. 19, 1998 to “save” the lynx.
The battle over the plight of the prairie dog in Douglas County has progressed beyond protests to protect a rodent colony to the creation of a radically-named group called the Prairie Dog Liberation Front of Castle Rock.
We thought it was a joke the first time a woman wore a t-shirt emblazoned with the PDLF logo to a council meeting earlier this month. But she was front and center before the council again this week wearing her protest on her chest.
And it’s not just a poorly thought-out protest fad; this new liberation front offshoot is publicly coordinating with Deep Green Resistance Colorado, an underground radical movement that aims to stop “industrial civilization.”
You may remember the critter liberation movement from such great hits as the Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front, both characterized as “terrorist threats” by the FBI that have committed more than 600 criminal acts resulting in damages of $43 million dollars.
The Earth Liberation Front is the organization responsible for the ecoterrorism arson on Vail Mountain in 1998 that caused $12 million in damages — all in the name of protecting the lynx. The radicals responsible for that mayhem are still behind bars.
Whoever is wearing the shirts and issuing reports from the “Prairie Dog Liberation Front of Castle Rock” may think their name is clever, rest assured it is not.
Why do you think “Deep Green Resistance” clearly lists these “security culture rules” on their website?
Don’t Talk About
- Your involvement or someone else’s involvement with an underground group.
- Your or someone else’s desire to get involved with such a group.
- Your or someone else’s participation in illegal action.
- Someone else’s advocacy for such actions.
- Your or someone else’s plans for a future illegal action.
- Don’t ask others if they are a member of an underground group.
These are not your typical stands-with-sign activist groups, critter liberators of Castle Rock, you might want to rethink your involvement. And your wardrobe.
I have learned a lot over the last few days. I no longer wish to be affiliated with this group. Please remove my portion of this article. Thank you.
Catherine A. Bird You are not correct about this group. You make assumptions that will be proven untrue if you read a little further. The Prairie Dog Liberation Front is not the Deep Green Resistance and is not a group that is anything but reasonable – proposing reasonable and equitable solutions while not impinging on personal property rights. I don't know if you are correct or incorrect on the Deep Green Resistance, but I do know you are incorrect about this group that is supporting the preservation of prairie dog habitats. We all owe the Pairie Dog Liberation Front a debt of gratitude and I hope I can count myself as a member of this fine group.
Sorry Colorado Peak Politics but you missed this issue in a major way. The name on the teeshirt is not the major point of the actions of this amazing grass roots group of people trying to preserve a Colorado ecosystem based on the much-maligned, but very important and actually amazing prairie dog. This isn't really a Republican vs. Democrat issue. I have been fighting the Boulder County democrats for almost 20 years over a colony of prairie dogs that they have tried to destroy. From the republican side, one should look at several things, one is the absolutely corruption of the government process that has taken place in Castle Rock against this group of people – from abuses at the school district, to the questionable attempts of city counsel in this issue. Both democrats AND republicans must be held accountable for their misdeeds as it relates to this issue. Something that seems to be missed by some of the GOP is what happens to private property rights when the black tailed prairie dog does get listed as endangered. It is so close to endangered now, and when things like this Castle Rock atrocity take place – the complete destruction of the largest prairie dog habitat on the front range – the prairie dog is so much closer to that list that it should frighten you. That endangered species list will close down private property rights on the front range to the extent never seen before. You think the endangered status of the prebble jumping mouse was onerous, wait until the black tail prairie dog is protected by the US Fish and Wildlife. We farmers will be virtually shut down. Right now, this very reasonable group of protectors of this prairie dog colony is fighting a corporation that has defied any reasonable solution – solutions that were offered and were funded. I suggest that the author of this article educate himself/herself on the issue and not be distracted by a name that was never intended to convey what this author assumes.
Yeah it is a shirt and it says PDLF NOTHING about a deep green resistance or whatever. PDLF and on the back is Wildland Defense!?! Are you a member of the PDLF?! NO you are not so how in the heck would you know what I am affiliated with, making stuff up does not count as a real fact.
Megan Tiffany hehehehehe what did she say?! She blocked me for some reason. I was actually very nice to her over private message and she asked to be left alone and I did leave her alone so whatever….but your comment is funny Megan!
Is care about their community and their wildlife. I see nothing radical and violent. Paranoid much?
The only thing they've done
Catherine A. Bird I suggest you check this website out..
It's not just a 'T-shirt;' it's a REAL group and it's affiliated with the 'Deep Green Resistance' group. Read Deep Green's website, to get an idea of how radical and violent they can be.
For the love of God. Are you kidding me? I was wearing the T-shirt with the PDLF on it so what? What the hell are you trying to say? Don't spread your propaganda bullshit all over Facebook and NOT even have the balls to put your name on it? Wow. At least we stand up for what we believe in public you little chicken shit. If you have a problem then speak at the next town council meeting. Show you have the guts to put your name out there in conjunction with this "article." We do it EVERY WEEK, every week we sit in front of 7 blank faces and we state our name for the record; I do not believe I have ever seen YOU at a town council meeting! Your article is full of slander, false information, and LIES which is what you people (yeah I said you people) do when you are afraid that we are going to make some serious changes in this town through every LEGAL hello LEGAL means necessary. Good lord do some research and get your facts straight. Little chicken shit.
And here I thought they were referencing Monty Python's "People's Front of Judea…"
(Life of Brian – it's a classic)
Is this supposed to be a serious article? It's a t-shirt genius. Wearing it doesn't make someone a terrorist. By the way do you know where I can buy one?
So, what are you implying with the juxtaposition of a photo of a burning building with the name chosen by people (rightly or wrongly) in Castle Rock who care about wildlife? Talk about sensationalized reporting! "Bully Pulpit" Yeah, that sounds about right (and an anonymous bully at that…congrats!) If you were braver, you would have included your name with your "article". Typical.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks
Are you effing kidding us? Get a real job, lady. And stay out of poliltics.