GUN GRAB! Social Security Targets the Elderly, Disabled in Weapon Ban

Lawmakers including U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner are demanding that the Social Security Administration drop its plans to report certain senior citizens and disabled recipients to law enforcement in order to ban gun sales to those individuals. This latest effort by the Obama...

CONVENIENT OUTRAGE: Bennet Denounces Shutdown, Then Fundraises on It

Hey, Sen. Bennet, your hypocrisy is showing.  Earlier, Bennet criticized the political theater behind government shutdowns and even went so far as to introduce a bill to address it, yet now he is fabricating a phony crisis about a possible government shutdown to raise...

EPA CHIEF: If You Like Your Clean River, You Can Keep Your Clean River

The EPA says they finally have data declaring that the 100-mile stretch of the Animas River is back to “pre-event” conditions! EPA Chief Gina McCarthy refused to meet with the public in Durango today, but told a handful of reporters that she can now talk about these...

MIRACLE ON THE ANIMAS: Were Fish and Wildlife Really Spared?

The good news is that there was not a massive fish kill in the wake of the Animas River disaster, officials who caused this nightmare claim. We don’t know if schools of trout ingested so much lead that now they’re just too dumb to die, or perhaps the fish sprouted...