HONK! HONK! EPA Throws Hick Officials Under the Bus for Animas Spill

Having tired of their apology tour through the Four Corners region blabbering that they didn’t mean to dump more than three million gallons of mine waste into the Animas River, the EPA is now dragging state officials into the blame game. If true, it would certainly...

PARTY TOOL: Democrats Deploy Bulls$i! to Raise Money

Turns out that Colorado’s Democratic Party is not above using “bull$hi!” to raise campaign funding. We always suspected it, just never expected them to be so open about. From a fundraising email sent Friday following Jon Stewart’s final...

GRACE UNDER FIRE: Liberals Put Politics Over Victims

Yesterday was a difficult day no doubt for the victims and their families of the theater shooting, whose perpetrator received a life in prison sentence as opposed to the death penalty. While not all wanted the death penalty, the fact that the theater shooter is...


After issuing two alerts about Middle Eastern men approaching military families in Colorado and Wyoming and making suspicious statements, like, your husband is a U.S. interrogator; the FBI has decided their warnings contained no credible threats to military personnel...