DIRTY DEEDS: The Public’s Guide to the EPA’s Gold King Mine Cover-up

The EPA wins the dirty trickster award of the decade for improving upon a political stunt made infamous throughout numerous Clinton scandals – the late-night document dump – a technique designed to frustrate watchdogs and wreak havoc on the news cycle in order to hide...

CONVENIENT CARING: Democrats Pretend to Care about Veterans

A recent note from ProgressNow implores throngs of Democrats to attend a Jeb Bush event next week to stand up for (wait for it) veterans.  This might actually be the first time Democrats are protesting in favor of veterans. But, Democrats’ change of heart is...

PROBE-A-PALOOZA: Paging Ms. McCarthy, Investigators Will See You Now

The first summons for EPA Chief Gina McCarthy to appear before a congressional committee was issued today, one of soon-to-be many judging by the Washington entities lining up to investigate her sorry agency. GOP Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, who chairs the House Science,...