In a wide-ranging interview with the Denver Post, Former Gov. Dick Lamm reflected on the challenges faced by society today and concluded that most of us still have a duty to die and get out of his way.
Only he couched it in more politically correct terms.
He still insists that his original drop dead comments were misquoted, but brags that it opened the door to a whole new conversation of what health care should and should not be.
Silly us, we thought health care was all about going to a doctor when we’re sick, but Dick says we are wrong, it’s all about rationing health care for certain people.
“The United States rations more health care than any other developed country in the world. I would say that I’m trying to take health care from ‘me’ to ‘we.’”
“About 50 percent of health care now is paid for by taxpayers, but yet there’s no way to compare the spending on health care with other public policy needs. … It’s highly technical, lots of ‘miracle medicine,’ at great cost. We’ve got to find a way to compare other needs — our roads, our education system and other things — with this health care spending.”
Asked about the new anti-TABOR group, Building a Better Colorado, Dick said that he agreed the bill of rights needed an overhaul so we could spend more money on roads and less money on health care.
“I have no problem joining whatever they come up with — I’d have to look at it. But I think TABOR needs change. Our public needs are growing incredibly fast. Our roads are deteriorating. There are so many needs in this state.”
Dick was obsessed with roads, particularly the one to the White House, upon which his wife Dottie and her favorite candidate are hitting a lot of potholes.
“My poor wife. We’ve know the Clintons — we’ve served with the Clintons. Dottie (Lamm) and Hillary are really very close, and she’s just shattered — not discouraged, though, she’s still very much on board.”
So there you have it. Sick people don’t have the right to go to a doctor and get well, but the Lamms fully support political campaigns that are deep in its death throes.
Frankly, we think the Democratic Party has a duty to die, and so do Dick Lamm’s political ideals.