In the pitched battle to replace Democrat State Senator Linda Newell, Daniel Kagan’s supporters appear to feel completely unconstrained by the truth when it comes to vicious attacks against his opponent, Republican Arapahoe County Commissioner Nancy Doty.
One attack website claims that Doty is in favor of restricting abortions in the case of incest or rape. There is simply nothing showing Doty on the record taking that position. In fact, it is quite the opposite. In an article published by the Colorado Independent this summer, Doty talks about her family’s history, where her mother faced a difficult pregnancy and the medical recommendation was one that presented a significant risk to the life of Doty’s mother, and her parents decided to end the pregnancy. Doty is on the record in this story as saying “there can be exceptions” in pro-life legislation.
The website also makes the outlandish claim that Doty, a woman herself, is against equal pay for women. The attack page cites a quote from the same Independent article, except the quote was about the minimum wage: “I don’t want to tell businesses how much to pay their employees.”
We have no interest in linking to this false and misleading site, but it instructive for the voting public to understand the depths that Daniel Kagan and his supporters will go to in smearing a candidate’s good name.