U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner and other leading Republicans are warning President Obama to cease and desist with the relentless flurry of midnight regulations that are being unleashed upon us by liberal bureaucrats who will soon be out of a job.
These non-emergency actions include the much-despised and controversial Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule that Gardner says unfairly burdens farmers and ranchers.
The Obama administration’s War on Coal is also fighting its last battle with rules that will drive up our energy costs and put thousands of workers out of jobs.
Federal agencies continue to produce reams of new regulations that hurt our job creators and cripple our economy. But this flawed approach to governance has been rejected by the people.
Gardner and 22 senators wrote to Obama this week that the American people made it clear in the election they expect regulatory relief, not a landslide of the onerous governance they rejected.
We agree. Obama should be spending his last days in office preparing for the transition, not inflicting more pain on the voters who rejected his administration.