Donald Trump hasn’t even taken office, but that hasn’t stopped Democrats from slamming him for not having a plan in place to replace Obamacare.
That’s not how it works, and Democrats know that. What they are really doing is to further drive a partisan wedge across the nation by holding political rallies to kill the plan before it’s even created.
U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette is in on the game, and held a rally Sunday telling her supporters Obamacare is being scrapped with nothing to replace it.
Repealing the law could strip health care from previously uninsured people who benefited from the 2014 launch of the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, DeGette said.
Republicans in Congress are preparing to repeal the law but so far have presented no plan to replace it.
The Democrats’s plan didn’t work, but they had not plan to fix it in all the years it has been in place.
Hundreds of thousands of Coloradans lost their insurance, saw prices skyrocket, and watched as state plans and systems collapsed, with no plans from Democrats to fix it.
What Republicans want, and the American people voted for, was a health system that worked for everyone, not just those on Medicaid.
All that we ask is that a plan is allowed to put forward, before Democrats start screaming that the sky is falling and unnecessarily scare the wits out of their constituents.