Last night, the Denver Post wrote an incredibly thoughtful piece on the fake protests happening throughout Colorado against Republican incumbents because they didn’t hold town halls that Democratic incumbents, like U.S. Senator Michael Bennet, also didn’t hold. Or something.
While the Post piece noted it would have preferred that Gardner hold an in-person town hall, it actually came to the defense of Gardner. Finally, there was a grown up in the media describing these events. We were beginning to feel like we were the only media outlet that noticed the left’s shenanigans. From the editorial:
“Town halls like the ones he avoided were for political show and organized by liberal opponents. Some of the 11 questions asked in advance by the organizers illustrates their clear political posturing.”
The piece continued:
“This outrage over Gardner’s lack of a town hall is driven in part by powerful forces behind the scenes posturing for 2020. Sen. Michael Bennet was in Cuba last week instead of meeting with constituents during the break. Notably, no one held mock events to drill the absent Democrat on whether he would confirm Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch.”
Kudos to the Denver Post for pinning the “tale” on the donkey. If Democrats want to protest, by all means have at it, but let’s not pretend that these fake town halls are anything more than liberal organizations (yes, paid) priming the pump for bruising 2018 and 2020 elections.