The claws are out regarding SB17-061, a bill that would equalize funding for charter schools, and the Colorado Education Association, aka the state teachers union wants desperately to kill this bipartisan feel-good bill. In fact, the teachers union is so desperate to kill a bill that would support public schools (but not necessarily those with teachers unions) that it’s invoking the name of someone who likely has no idea the bill even exists. Betsy DeVos.
CEA President Kerrie Dallman thinks that by attaching DeVos’s name to a bill that everyone loves will undermine the credibility of the bill. Except for one thing – this bill is about simple fairness. It’s not fair to treat some public schools more fairly than others, which is what happens now. Charter schools in most districts receive a fraction of the funding of traditional public schools. This bill would simply fix that. Pretty easy right?
Not so fast. Dallman throws everything at the wall to see if anything will stick in her defense of her indefensible position to cheat public schools out of money, according to an article in Chalkbeat:
“Betsy DeVos has long been connected to the movement to radically expand charter schools, as well as grow education vouchers and tax credits. We’re concerned because there is so little accountability in that movement, and a lack of transparency.”
Now Dallman’s concerned about transparency and accountability? The organization that lied to every voter in one of the largest counties in the state – Jefferson County – about who funded the successful effort to recall three pro-reform Jeffco board of education members (HINT: it was the teachers union) now demands accountability and transparency, which the “movement” already provides? Oh, that’s rich.
Fortunately, ReadyColorado leader Luke Ragland was quick to fire back:
“The teachers union’s latest propaganda campaign is shameful. They are spreading demonstrably false information in an attempt to politicize an issue that has had longtime bipartisan support in Colorado. Senate Bill 61 is a uniquely Colorado solution, supported by local leaders in both parties.”
We couldn’t agree more.