Mayor Michael Hancock has vowed that Denver will save the planet by continuing to “uphold” the Paris Agreement rejected by President Trump Thursday.
“Denver has been a leader in combating climate change and in growing the clean energy economy,” Hancock said in a statement. “We will not back down from our commitment to address this global threat and will continue the pledge to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement even in the absence of federal leadership.”
Even the Denver Post questions this lofty goal, noting that Denver does not have the ability to dictate federal policy.
And as we’ve pointed out, the treaty was never even ratified by the Senate.
Instead of standing around and blowing hot air about hot air, French President Emmanuel Macron has a better idea for Hancock and all the other Democrats who are so in love with the Paris Agreement — move to Paris.
In a plea to “responsible citizens,” Macron offered them a second homeland in order to “make our planet great again.”
“I call on them. Come and work here with us. To work together on concrete solutions for our kind, our environment. I can assure you France will not give up the fight,” Macron said.
We’re doing our part too, by checking one-way flights from Denver to Paris. We found plenty of seats available on non-stop flights aboard American Airlines, Delta, and Air France for only $1,200.
You’re welcome.