Has liberal Rep. Jared Polis finally grown the eff up? Nope, but he is facing some serious election realities. At yesterday’s Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry luncheon, according to the Denver Business Journal, Jared Polis took a decidedly different turn on energy development from his usual anti-oil and gas stance. Here’s what the DBJ reported that he said:
“He has supported ballot efforts in the past to reduce fracking and give local governments more authority over regulation of oil and gas, and he announced in entering the race for the open governor’s seat earlier this year that he wants Colorado to get all of its energy from renewable sources by 2040.
“But when asked Wednesday about the most important energy issue before Congress, Polis was deferential to the state, lauding its robust energy sector and arguing that improved transportation and pipeline infrastructure would increase production of energy.”
This coming from the guy who held the entire state’s economy hostage over a fracking operation that was visible from the window of his garage? Seriously? While we’d like to think he is actually thinking of all the little people employed by the oil and gas industry that don’t have a bajillion (approximately) dollars in the bank like he does, it’s more likely that he sees that there will be a serious influx of cash from the oil and gas sector into the Governor’s race both to keep him out as the Democratic nominee and, if he does become the Democratic nominee, to ensure he doesn’t win in the general.
Polis’ statement was also incredibly bizarre as the greenies are his base. Why are you throwing your base under the bus, Rep. Polis? Maybe he just felt bad for Arn Menconi, the green party candidate turned Democrat, and wanted to ensure Arn got his fair share of votes.