Well, that was fast. Democratic Rep. Ed Perlmutter, who represents large parts of Jefferson County, jumped in the race for Governor, saying he wouldn’t run again for his Congressional seat. Then, he got out, claiming a lack of “fire in the belly.” Today, there’s news that he might want his old seat back. Meanwhile, four Democratic candidates have declared to run for the seat – state Sens. Andy Kerr and Dominic Moreno, state Rep. Brittany Pettersen and former U.S. Ambassador Dan Baer.
According to the Colorado Politics story, Perlmutter had been asked repeatedly to run for the seat, especially at a recent kick-off for three Jeffco School Board candidates. Amazingly, the Congressman, who cited lack of fire in the belly (which really translates to lack of cash in the bank) is “recharging” – what a miraculous recovery.
But, what do the four who have declared do? All have acknowledged that Perlmutter has reached out to them. If Perlmutter wants his seat back, they have to step down, right? This is especially poor timing for state Sen. Kerr, who is running up against term limits for his state Senate seat in 2020. This would have been a perfect continuation of his political career. As it stands now, after 2020, he will have to go back to being a teacher on special assignment, whatever that is. Moreno and Pettersen each have a few more years before being termed.
Either way, news of Perlmutter’s desire to run again for his seat must be massively disappointing for those who thought they had lucked out in the game of political musical chairs.