A headline in the New York Times suggests that lawmakers are so shaken by Harvey that they are working together in a bipartisan manner. Only it was more cynical than that:
Shaken by Harvey, Congress May Try Something New: Bipartisanship
The problem with their premise — and there are many — is that Congress hunkered down in the past over bipartisan lines when it came to disaster aid.
But there’s more bipartisan, they report.
Representative Mike Coffman, Republican of Colorado, said last week that he would take the unusual step of filing a “discharge petition” to force a vote on a bill that would extend protections for such immigrants. If he can persuade a majority of the House — 218 members — to sign on, the House will be forced to vote.
“As long as I have Democrat support, I’ll have enough Republican support to pass it,” Mr. Coffman said in an interview. “It will be a rare day in Washington, but it’s important.”
Interestingly, the only examples of “bipartisanship” provided by the Times are instances in which Republicans are agreeing with Democrats.
There are no examples of Democrats agreeing with Republicans, because to a liberal rag like the Times, that’s not bipartisan, that’s called selling out.