Rivers are people too, and that’s why the Colorado River is suing all of us.
We have violated the rippling water’s right to exist and flourish, because we human beings apparently exist and there’s not enough room on the plant for all of us, or some such nonsense.
Western Wire brings us this news of the latest trend in ecological warfare that seeks to end civilization.
We give some credit to Deep Green Resistance, for at least being honest about their mission.
“Life on Earth is more important than this insane, temporary culture based on hyper-exploitation of finite resources. This culture needs to be destroyed before it consumes all life on this planet,” the group writes.
As for the lawsuit nonsense, it’s a ghastly waste of taxpayer money and a frightening example of the extent to which some environmentalists are willing to go to further some crazy idea about the dangers of the existence of mankind. And, we expect they want to take away our water in the process.
The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) filed the lawsuit for the environmental group on behalf of the river against the State of Colorado, and its mission is just as sinister.
“Recently, courts in India and Colombia held that rivers, glaciers, and other ecosystems possess rights of their own. Building on ongoing lawmaking efforts, we believe that this lawsuit will be the first of many which begins to change the status of nature under our legal systems.”
Kudos to Western Wire for exposing this farce.