A Washington, D.C. poll suggests Republican candidates for governor need to start campaigning yesterday to build their name recognition.
The Braynard Group, which also did polling for President Trump, shows the top GOP vote getter is Tom Tancredo, who isn’t even in the race (yet), and that Tancredo would lose in a head-to-head match-up against U.S. Rep. Jared Polis.
More than 54 percent of Republicans polled said they didn’t know who they would vote for, according to the poll obtained by Colorado Politics.
Here’s how the numbers break down.
Tancredo: 22 percent
Walker Stapleton: 9 percent
George Brauchler: 7 percent
Cynthia Coffman: 6 percent
Victor Mitchell and Doug Robinson had less than one percent, and candidates Steve Barlock, Greg Lopez and Jim Rundberg were not included in the survey.
No numbers were included for the other Democratic candidates except for Polis.
If Polis were the Democratic nominee running against Tancredo, he would squeak out Tancredo 25.3 percent to 24.7 percent, the poll said.
If Polis can barely turn out voters to his campaign events — only 20 showed up in Craig on a Saturday — and he’s pulling these kind of numbers, Republicans better take the hint and hit the campaign trail.