Liberals have been ruining Christmas for as long as we can remember and Revealing Politics was there to catch the most recent installment of “Liberals Politicize All the Things” in which carolers serenade Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman’s office in protest of the tax reform bill. Just watch:
We’re glad to see they care so much about supporting Hollywood actors by going to movies. We’d hate to see millionaires like George Clooney and Leonardo DiCaprio starve.
What’s hilarious is that the “poor” that they refer to likely don’t even effectively pay federal income taxes or likely receive a refund more than their share of taxes, so it’s pretty ironic to hear them complain about paying more. Also, again ironic that Democrats are complaining about paying taxes when they’re the party of tax and spend. To that we say, “Then, imagine how the people who actually pay taxes feel.”