Over the past few years, it’s become apparent to the Democratic Party that the name of their annual fundraising dinner, the Jefferson-Jackson dinner, perhaps was not PC. If you recall from history class, Democratic Presidents Jefferson and Jackson owned slaves. Ouch. So, Democrats have been searching for a new name for the event for the past couple of years. This year, they finally settled on the Obama Dinner.
And the Twitter reaction was priceless.
It’ll be interesting to see what they rename the dinner in 2127 when Americans find it abominable that someone could have opposed same sex marriage for most of their political career. https://t.co/OzYNin1Ec2
— Kyle Clark (@KyleClark) December 18, 2017
Life comes at the Colorado Democrat Party fast.#copolitics #coleg #cogov pic.twitter.com/JuLVAO67Tj
— Mr T 2 (@GovtsTheProblem) December 19, 2017
Catered by the Iranian government https://t.co/dJUHtYWyOP
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) December 18, 2017
To reflect the Obama economic policies, Colorado Democratic Party to serve only soup kitchen food at annual dinner event renamed the ‘Obama Dinner’ https://t.co/n0jzpIkz2B
— BearcatRick80 (@mac6115cd) December 19, 2017
Is an “Obama dinner” anything like Michelle’s school lunches?
— Eve of Destruction (@EveODestruction) December 19, 2017
Twitter, we love you.