A recent Supreme Court ruling that could force elected officials to reverse and stop blocking citizens on Twitter doesn’t seem to have filtered west to Colorado. The case revolved around President Trump and his habit of blocking Twitter trolls – the U.S. Supreme Court found that blocking citizens from his official account was unconstitutional.
From a New York Times article:
“Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald, addressing a novel issue about how the Constitution applies to social media platforms and public officials, found that the president’s Twitter feed is a public forum. As a result, she ruled that when Mr. Trump or an aide blocked seven plaintiffs from viewing and replying to his posts, he violated the First Amendment.”
Don’t worry, PeakNation™, Trump’s Twitter account is not the only account potentially in violation as many legislators also engage in this practice. Just from our perspective, one that comes to mind is Rep. Paul Rosenthal, who has blocked us from Twitter. Others have complained about Speaker Crisanta Duran for blocking them.
Does the Supreme Court ruling trickle down to Democrats in Colorado? Inquiring minds would like to know whether Democrats feel they have to follow the law or whether they are above it.