The workers who never got paid to gather petition signatures against fracking will be relieved to know that Colorado Rising, the activists group leading the effort, is suing their contractor in order to recover the petitions holding as many as 20,000 signatures.
You thought they were actually trying to help their own activists who got ripped off recover paychecks?
Good one.
Representing Colorado Rising, by the way, is Joe Salazar, the Democrat who wanted to be our attorney general. He also cares more about politics than the workers.
The signature gathering company is Direct Action Partners out of Oregon. They are accused of firing workers without pay, and fleeing the state with the petitions after a disagreement with the fractivists organizing the ballot question for oil and gas well setbacks.
The fractivists filed a lawsuit this week in Denver District Court to recover the signatures — they need 98,000 to make the November ballot.
Fractivists are accusing the company of holding the signatures for ransom while the contractor is claiming they didn’t get paid, either.
The lesson to be learned here, it doesn’t pay to work for liberals.