Unfortunately for Democrat Jason Crow, his first debate against U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman Monday was a Spanish-language event hosted by Univision Colorado.
Crow doesn’t speak Spanish, while Coffman is quite fluent — and it showed.
First when Coffman asked in Spanish if he could answer his questions in Spanish.
Again when the translator malfunctioned and Crow had to admit he didn’t understand the question about replacing Obamacare, so he just continued to bash Trump and insist that we keep coverage in place that “covers” preexisting conditions.
As we’ve stated numerous times and will continue to do so, claiming Obamacare covers preexisting conditions while it won’t cover medications for those conditions, or needed tests for those conditions that cost up to $6,500, is NOT preexisting coverage.
When will Democrats realize that everyone on Obamacare knows preexisting coverage is a myth?
Finally, it’s challenging to convince voters you have their best interests at heart and will serve them better than the guy standing next to you, when that guy speaks their language and you don’t.
Coffman hammered that home by delivering his closing remarks in Spanish.
This was a slam-dunk event for Coffman, and even in English, we expect a repeat performance from him tonight during the Channel 9 debate.