Jared Polis is very excited about his inauguration Tuesday and all the responsibilities that come with the job of governor.
Chief among those would normally be strengthening our economy, which will create more jobs, making sure taxpayer dollars aren’t wasted — the list goes on and on.
Polis announced he will be “reporting for duty,” verbiage we feel is completely inappropriate as being governor is not a citizen’s duty, but a privilege he purchased with more than $20 million of his own dollars.
Knocking all traditional responsibilities to the wind, here’s how Polis will tackle the job of governor.
How about that, Coloradans? We’re all getting new values that Polis will create for us!
We’re pleased as punch liberals realize their own values are outdated, but we shudder to think what the new Chief Value Creator has in mind.
Or, how much our new values will cost us.