When we think of libertarians, we think of folks who just want government out of everyone’s business. It’s a good thing. When we think of Democrat Governor Jared Polis, we think of a guy who wants to ban industries because he doesn’t like them. Not exactly the libertarian ethos. Yet, that didn’t stop The Economist, presumably pitched by a Polis staff member, from calling him a Democratic Libertarian.
From The Economist:
“He backs universal health care, an expansion of full-day kindergarten, paid parental leave and investments in renewable energy. But he also wants to lower the income-tax rate.”
He’s worth several hundred million dollars and probably felt acutely the pain of income tax when he sold his businesses. But let’s be real. Thinking it’s unfair to be overly taxed as a rich guy doesn’t make one a libertarian. It makes one a self-preservationist. Not that we blame him. But it doesn’t make him a libertarian.
The real irony here is that this article appeared the day after the legislature passed sweeping regulations of the oil and gas industry that threatens to ban oil and gas development, one of the state’s largest industries. The joke’s on us. The legislature agreed to amendments that would give the oil and gas industry some flexibility (i.e., not an outright ban) and here’s what Polis (or his people) told our nemesis blog:
“We’ll see how those amendments are resolved in the final negotiations between the House and Senate–where we expect Gov. Jared Polis’office, for whom this bill is a top-tier priority, will help keep things on track. A final determination will help everyone understand the consequences for both sides–whether the bill is considered a sufficient solution to the problem to supporters, versus the political efficacy of compromises made to reduce the umbrage taken by the bill’s vexatious opponents.”
Truly the voice of a libertarian. That’s sarcasm PeakNation™. What damn fools the writers at The Economist are.