This could well be the greatest poker hand of all time.
Self-righteous liberals are spinning themselves into a tizzy after President Trump volunteered Democrats and sanctuary cities that insist on open borders to take care of all those illegal aliens clamoring to cross our southern border.
With his poker face tightly fixed, the president played the trump card to beat all trump cards — a big ole bus ticket from the crowded, dusty border to a fabulous sanctuary city to get the party started.
Denver Mayor Michael Hancock is still holding onto his cards, but his hands were trembling mightily, as he declared that every city, must, uhm, welcome those who would come.
And, Hancock said, he will treat them as “human beings,” not “political pawns” like Trump, who would so brutally just open the border and give them all-expense-paid trips to beautiful downtown Denver without so much as a ski-lift pass for a weekend getaway.
Leading the outrage for Democrats on Capitol Hill is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose hometown of San Francisco prides itself on being a sanctuary beacon for illegal immigrants.
Or at least, it did. Appears now the golden gates have closed.
Pelosi’s spokesflack said the idea of just letting illegal immigrants into sanctuary cities willy nilly is a cruel and warped game being played by Trump to perpetuate fear.
Yes, San Francisco is terrifying, and it’s good of her own people to finally admit it.
Democrats have no intention of folding to Trump’s call. Indeed, they have upped the ante and are demanding the White House release any and all such documents hinting at such a policy or action, which they call deeply troubling.
As if, liberals sniff.
When they declared themselves sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants, it’s not like they actually meant it.