Republicans aren’t the only ones who’ve had enough of Gov. Polis, his Democratic base is also turning their backs on him because he’s failed to live up to their radical standards.
That’s according to the leftist experts at Westword, which reports in depth on liberals’ dissatisfaction “Colorado’s dramatic leftward lurch hasn’t materialized.”
The list of injuries the left has suffered at the do-nothing-hands of Dear Leader is both real and imagined.
Most bizarrely, they are insulted that Polis made “remarks defending ICE as a ‘legitimate law enforcement agency,’” Westword said.
Uhm, Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) is a real federal law enforcement agency, in that Congress gave them the power to enforce customs and immigration laws.
Waving a magic wand and declaring they have no power here won’t change that.
They think Polis is some sort of moderating influence on Democrats in the legislature, many of whom are under threat of recall from angry Republicans for the oil and gas law, red flag law, and liberal’s intent destruction of the Electoral College, etc., etc., etc. …
Or as Westword explains it, “GOP hysteria.”
So what did they want besides the elimination of a federal immigration agency plus all the same rights for illegal immigrants as enjoyed by legal immigrants (now referred to simply as “immigrants”)?
Taxpayer-paid family leave for all, collective bargaining rights for state employees, and even stricter greenhouse gas emission rules. They’re also mad that Polis favored an income tax cut, which never even happened.
Polis may still have a “bold, progressive vision for Colorado,” but so far he seems to be taking a cautious, conservative approach to bringing it into reality … many left-leaning Coloradans hoped that he would represent a break from former governor John Hickenlooper, a business-friendly centrist who often left progressive activists frustrated …
In other words, they wanted a Marxist revolutionary.