Gov. Polis claims he welcomes the removal of homeless camps on state property near the Capitol, he just doesn’t want to actually do anything about it.
Sort of like when Polis said earlier this week he is outraged over the ongoing vandalism at the Capitol, but police can’t protect the building or arrest anyone lest they anger a criminal and escalate the situation.
And then the protective fencing was removed so as not to anger protestors at their “Fuck the Feds” rally Friday night.
When Polis said a news conference Thursday he would welcome the removal of the homeless camps, what he meant was Denver officials are welcome to do something about it because state officials in the Polis administration will not.
Polis said city camping rules take precedence over state property, and claims he doesn’t really know what those rules are because he “doesn’t follow Denver politics,” the Denver Post reported.
Polis keeps talking out of both sides of his mouth hoping he can appease his Democrat base that just keeps swinging further left every day.
If only John Hickenlooper had resolved the growing homeless problem as promised when he had the chance as governor.