Michael Fields of Colorado Rising State Action says their polling has identified a clear agenda of what Republican voters are looking for in their elected officials.
Fields has compiled that information into a handy dandy top 10 list, which absolutely hits on all the big ticket items and red meat the GOP base craves:
With 42% of Coloradans choosing to be unaffiliated with a political party, it’s more important than ever for candidates to be clear about their plans if voters entrust them with power. If Colorado Republicans unite around a few key issues, and drive their message home with voters, I believe the party will quickly begin to make a comeback.
Although we might pick a nit or two, we agree in principle with Fields’s list that is uniquely catered to Colorado.
There are few issues more important in the state right now than defending the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights, which Democrats are working overtime to shave down or work around.
We agree a more competitive health care marketplace will drive costs down, and that mental health must be addressed.
And if the pandemic taught is anything about our children’s educational needs, it’s the growing importance of school choice.
Read the whole list here in its entirety.