In case you missed the threat that doesn’t exist, Secretary of State Jena Griswold has rushed through an emergency rule to stop Republicans from proving Donald Trump won Colorado.
We know Trump didn’t win this Smurf blue state overflowing with California transplant leftists nuts.
Griswold does too.
She just can’t pass up an opportunity to politicize her office.
My office just issued rules prohibiting sham election audits in the State of Colorado. We will not risk the state’s election security nor perpetuate The Big Lie. Fraudits have no place in Colorado.
— Jena Griswold (@JenaGriswold) June 17, 2021
It was never going to happen here because the legislature has already adjourned — and memo to Jena — Democrats would not vote for a third party audit of elections because YOU. ALL. WON.
Griswold has pulled some ridiculous grandstanding stunts in her brief career, but now she’s just trolling the bottom of the political fish bowl gobbling up whatever muck she can find.
From the Colorado Politics report:
The new rules ban county clerks from allowing access to voting machines unless that person has passed a background check and is performing a task with authorization from either the county clerk or Griswold’s office.
The rules also require that person to be either an employee of the county clerk’s office or Griswold’s office, an election judge or an employee of a company that provides voting machines to that county.
If for some bizarre reason Democrats go wild and demand an audit in the next few months and break Griswold’s rules, then she will decertify the county’s voting system.
So there.
Griswold jumped at the chance to get media attention using this tweet as the basis for her concern.
Colorado State Rep. Ron Hanks toured the audit floor and gives this audit a thumbs up. More to come on CO!
— Audit War Room (@AuditWarRoom) June 10, 2021
Turns out the Arizona audit has turned into a tourists attraction for Republican lawmakers from across the U.S., and this twitter feed is filled with their pictures from the recount tour.
Yes, they’re giving tours.
Here’s how that audit happened, according to the Washington Post:
The GOP-commissioned review of ballots began in late April, after Arizona’s state Senate seized the ballots and voting machines from the county using a legislative subpoena. Senate President Karen Fann has said the goal of the review is not to overturn President Biden’s win in Arizona but to look for ways to improve future elections.
How does Griswold even sleep at night with all those Democrats in control of Colorado’s Senate who could pounce at any minute and totally never do this?